Newfies 101
Working groupMainly kept as a very large pet today, the Newfoundland was developed as an all-around working dog in what are now the Maritime provinces of Canada. Strong and enthusiastic swimmers, they were used both to haul carts on land and pull boats and nets in from the water. While many giant breeds are not friendly to those they do not know, the Newfie considers everyone a friend.
What we love about Newfies
You'll never have a dog who loves kids more
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Nana, the dog in "Peter Pan," is based on Sir J.M. Barrie's Newfoundland, who had the black-and-white markings known as "Landseer," after the painter Sir Edwin Landseer.
Newfoundland coat care and colors
The Newfoundland isn't the easiest dog to keep well-groomed, thanks not only to their size and dense double coat but also to their love of water and tendency to drool. Keep a towel around for the drool and the damp, and acclimate these gentle giants to nail trims as young as possible.
How often does my Newfoundland need to be groomed?
What type of brush is best for Newfoundlands?
What kind of coat does my Newfoundland have?
Newfie exercise & training
Newfie fun facts
Top girl names for Newfies
of Newfies are female
of Newfies are male
Top boy names for Newfies
Nationwide loves Newfoundlands of every name, from Aaron to Zog the Destroyer
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